Renewal Group

Ginger Group: Stewards Survey Responses

Our Formal Parish Proposal (FPP) has now been assembled and returned to Brentwood Diocese as per the planned timeline. Sincere thanks to all who gave feedback and especially to those who helped assemble responses and write up our proposal.

Our returned proposal is now available to download here. Also, as part of our response a short video compilation was edited together and that may be viewed here

Thank you for participating in the Stewards of the Gospel questionnaire. It is now closed and the feedback has been collated, edited and were submitted to the Diocese during Easter 2017.

Please see below for the Parish response documents.

2017-04-22 Note to Stewards from Steven Webb, containing timelines for action.

2017-03-03 Please review Damian's precis of Steve Webb's talk which contains proposed timelines for action.

The Parish responses to the Stewards of the Gospel quiestionnaire are available here: